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SANWA LCR701 thiết bị cầm tay đo thông số LCR linh kiện điện tử


Máy đo LCR cầm tay hiệu suất cao SANWA LCR701
Tự động lựa chọn chế độ đo L/C/R và chế độ đo Nối tiếp/Song song
Ls/Lp/Cs/Cp với các tham số phụ (D/Q/θ/ESR)
5 tần số đo khác nhau (100/120/1k/10k/100kHz)
OPEN/SHORT Chức năng hiệu chuẩn
Chức năng điện trở DC (7 dải: 200,00Ω đến 200,0MΩ)
Chế độ sắp xếp thiết bị cho phép người dùng sắp xếp nhanh các thiết bị thụ động như L, C và R
Giao diện USB liên kết quang (tùy chọn)
Giữ dữ liệu, Đèn nền, Chức năng tương đốiLs/Lp: 20.000µ/200.00µ/2000.0µ/20.000m/200.00m/200.0m
20.000/200.00/2000.0/20.000kH ±(0.3%+3)
Cs/Cp : 200.00p/2000.0p/20.00n/200.00n/2000.0n/
20.000µ/200.00µ/2000.0µ/20.00mF(50pF hoặc ít hơn: không chính xác) ±(0.3%+3)
Rs/Rp : 20.000/200.00/2.0000k/20.000k/
200,00k/2,0000M/20,000M/200,0MΩ ±(0,3%+3)
Ω(DCR): 200.00/2.0000k/20.000k/200.00k/
2,0000M/20,000M/200,0MΩ ±(0,3%+3)

Sanwa Electric Instrument

Handheld Digital LCR meter

Model: LCR701

High-performance handheld LCR meter

  • Automatically selectable L/C/R measurement and Selectable Series/Parallel mode
  • Ls/Lp/Cs/Cp measurement with sub parameters (D/Q/θ/ESR)
  • 5 different measuring frequencies (100/120/1k/10k/100kHz)
  • OPEN/SHORT Calibration function
  • DC resistance function (7 ranges: 200.00Ω to 200.0MΩ)
  • Device Sorting mode to allow users to quickly sort passive devices such as L, C, and R
  • Optical link USB interface (optional)
  • Data hold, Backlight, Relative function


Ls/Lp : 20.000µ/200.00µ/2000.0µ/20.000m/200.00m/2000.0m
20.000/200.00/2000.0/20.000kH ±(0.3%+3)
Cs/Cp : 200.00p/2000.0p/20.00n/200.00n/2000.0n/
20.000µ/200.00µ/2000.0µ/20.00mF(50pF or less: out of accuracy) ±(0.3%+3)
Rs/Rp : 20.000/200.00/2.0000k/20.000k/
200.00k/2.0000M/20.000M/200.0MΩ ±(0.3%+3)
Ω(DCR) : 200.00/2.0000k/20.000k/200.00k/
2.0000M/20.000M/200.0MΩ ±(0.3%+3)

Sampling rate: 1.2 times / second (LCR mode)
0.5 times / second (DCR mode)
Measuring frequencies: 100/120/1k/10k/100kHz
Measuring mode : Series / Parallel
Measurable parameters: Ls / Lp / Cs / Cp / Rs / Rp / DCR (including D/Q/θ/ESR/RP)
Power supply: 6LF22 (alkaline 9V)
6F22 (manganese 9V)
AC adapter : AD-30-3 (optional)
Battery life: 6LF22 (alkaline 9V): Approx. 40 hours
6F22 (manganese 9V): Approx. 18 hours
(auto LCR mode, 1 kHz)
Size / Mass: H184×W87×D45 mm / Approx. 400g
Safety standards: IEC61326-1, EN50581

Maintenance and calibration : 

► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store.

Local Vietnam : SEMIKI Ins


Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd


Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522


Request a quote
  • Floor 12 – Tower A2, Viettel Building, 285 Cach Mang Thang Tam, Ward 12, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • +84 979761016
  • Tax code 0313928935
Warranty, maintenance and repair center:
  • 10th Floor, Halo Building, 19-19/2A Ho Van Hue, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC
Representative office in Hanoi:
  • 9th Floor, 3D Building, No. 3 Duy Tan Street, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City
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