Force and mechanical measuring equipment
ASK Japan is a famous manufacturer of pressure gauges. OPG series glycerin pressure gauges are pressure gauges with excellent vibration resistance and durability. The movement of the measuring needle due to mechanical vibration is absorbed by the viscous resistance of the glycerin liquid in the sealed pressure gauge. The liquid glycerin acts as a lubricant for the friction parts of the bearing and gear in the pressure gauge, thus ensuring the durability of the internal mechanism. The external and water contact parts of OPGΦ100 (type A, B, D) are all made of stainless steel.
The OPGΦ60 series, which is the most standard size, comes standard with a safety mark! The coloring of the color coding option can also be installed.
(OPGΦ75 series and OPGΦ100 series are not compatible with safety marks and coloring)
The exterior and wetted parts of OPGΦ100 (A, B, D type) are all stainless steel specifications.
Movement of the pointer due to mechanical vibration is absorbed by the viscous drag of the glycerin liquid in the hermetically-sealed pressure gauge.
Movement of the Bourdon tube is also absorbed, thereby absorbing the pulsating pressure of the fluid.
Glycerin liquid serves as lubricating oil for the friction part of the bearing and gear in the pressure gauge, thereby ensuring durability of the internal mechanism.
A dedicated throttle for absorbing pulsating pressure and surge pressure is built into the pressure gauge socket.
Safety measures are provided to ensure that the front glass is not thrown away and hydraulic oil is purged out of the safety valve, if the Bourdon tube be broken.
Since the green safety mark is attached to the circumference of the case, pressure range setting can be set easily (only for 60 mm-diameter type).
Select a pressure gauge whose top pressure reading is more than double the applicable pressure range.
We issue various certificates related to pressure gauges for a fee.
▷ Φ60 colored support has ended. Please consider using the coloring CR in the future.
Maintenance and calibration :
► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )
► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store. Local Vietnam : SEMIKI ins
Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd
Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522