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Filter Set for HI801-11 Spectrophotometer

SKU: HANNA-HI801-11 Category:

– HI801-11 is a holmium oxide filter used to confirm the wavelength accuracy of the HI801 spectrophotometer.

– The filter is mounted in a 10mm square anodized holder and comes with a protective plastic holder to protect the filter when not in use.

– Filters are mounted in anodized aluminum holders

– Fits all spectrophotometers that can accommodate 10 mm square cuvettes

– Check wavelength at 361, 454, 536 and 638 nm


– Holmium Oxide Filter HI801-11

– Provide Certificate of Analysis according to SRM2034

– All values are certified and guaranteed to be less than 0.1 nm inaccuracy

– Contained in a compact, sturdy plastic cuvette case

Holmium is a silvery-white, ductile rare earth element. Holmium reacts with oxygen to form holmium oxide. Holmium oxide glasses or holmium oxide solutions are useful in the calibration of spectrometers because of their sharp absorption peaks in the visible spectrum. The National Institute of Technology (NIST), formerly the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), uses a holmium oxide solution sealed in a silica cuvette as a standard reference material (SRM 2034) for traceability. The holmium oxide solution is prepared by dissolving holmium oxide in perchloric acid. This solution has several well-defined absorption bands. SRM2034 is said to be stable for up to 30 years.

The HI801-11 is traceable to the SRM2034 and is supplied with a certificate that identifies the absorbance values of the filter with an uncertainty of 0.1 nm. The HI801-11 holmium oxide filter is used with the wavelength check mode on the HI801 spectrophotometer. The filter is placed in the meter and the wavelength check mode is then used to verify the wavelength. Once the test is complete, the meter will display the wavelength peaks and these are compared to the published values on the supplied certificate of analysis. The values should be within ⼠1.5 nm of the value on the certificate.





Product's name

Filter Set for HI801 Spectrophotometer


10 x 10 mm

Supplied with

Filter Set HI801-11

Certificate of analysis guarantees wavelength values with an accuracy of less than 0.1 nm


The HI801-11 filter is mounted in a 10 mm square anodized aluminum cuvette.

Certificate of analysis

Wavelength peak





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  • +84 979761016
  • Tax code 0313928935
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