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CEDAR DID-05 electronic torque screwdriver 2.0~500.0 mN・m


CEDAR Digital Torque Screwdriver
Model: DID-05
Phạm vi đo 2.0~500 mN・m 0.020~5 kgf・cm 0.020~4.5 lbf・in
Accuracy ±0.5% (499 or less digits ±3 digits)
Display 4-digit LCD digital display

Trình điều khiển mô-men xoắn kỹ thuật số DID-05
For final tightening and checking of screws & bolts
Light and compact with built-in display!
Để kiểm tra mô-men xoắn của vít nhỏ M0.8 ~ M2.0. Kiểm tra mô-men xoắn khởi động của thân máy quay như thể tích & bản lề.
Để giảm thiểu ảnh hưởng của lực ép, trọng lượng của bộ phận chính đã được giảm thiểu xuống còn khoảng 180.
Chức năng đếm siết chặt vít cũng được cài đặt tiêu chuẩn.
Cho phép lưu 5 kênh tiêu chí đánh giá đạt/không đạt và cho phép thay đổi cài đặt dễ dàng bằng cách chuyển kênh ngay cả khi thuật ngữ siết chặt thay đổi.


CEDAR Digital torque driver
Model: DID-05

Feature :

•  The torque screwdriver is Ergonomic and light weight, yet ruggedly constructed
•  Peak, Real Time and Peak Down measuring mode (selectable)
•  800 data memory
•   Programmable High and Low set points with both audible beep and Green/Red LED indicator for
uniform torque tightening or GO/NO GO testing

•  Programmable screw tightening counter
•   Programmable Auto Zero function resets unit to zero for easy operation
•   Both CW and CCW operate
•   ASCII format output (USB)
•   Runs on internal NiMH batteries (for 12 hours) Auto shut-off after 10 min. of non-use.

CEDAR Digital torque driver
Model: DID-05
Measuring range :2.0~500 mN・m/ 0.020~5 kgf・cm/ 0.020~4.5 lbf・in
Accuracy ±0.5% (499 or less digits±3digit)
Display The 4 figures digital display of LCD

Picture: Cedar digital torque Srewdriver DID-05 ( 0.02 to 5  at Semiki's warehouse.

Digital torque driver DID-05
For tightening and final checking of screws & bolts
Lightweight and compact with integrated display!
For checking torque of the small screw of M0.8 ~ M2.0. Checking the starting torque of the rotating body such as volume & hinge.
In order to reduce the influence of the pressing force, the weight of the main unit was minimized to about 180.
Screw tightening counter function is also standard installed.
Enable to save 5 channels of pass/fail judgment criterion, and enable to change settings easily by switch channels even if the tightening term changes.


Maintenance and calibration : 

► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store.

Local Vietnam : SEMIKI Ins



Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd


Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522



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  • Floor 12 – Tower A2, Viettel Building, 285 Cach Mang Thang Tam, Ward 12, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • +84 979761016
  • Tax code 0313928935
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  • 10th Floor, Halo Building, 19-19/2A Ho Van Hue, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC
Representative office in Hanoi:
  • 9th Floor, 3D Building, No. 3 Duy Tan Street, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City
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