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CEDAR OW-10, OW-20, OW-60 torque screwdriver standard


Sugisaki Meter
Khớp đo của tua vít điện Cedar
Model: Khớp một chiều OW series
OW-10 (1N.m / 100cN.m)
OW-20 (2N.m / 200cN.m))
OW-60 (6N.m / 600cN.m)
Khớp đo của tua vít điện
Cấu trúc đặc biệt không cần tua lại
Cải thiện khả năng làm việc bằng cấu trúc độc đáo và hoàn thành phép đo chỉ bằng thao tác theo hướng siết chặt.
Cho phép thực hiện quản lý mô-men xoắn ổn định trong thời gian dài do cấu trúc không cần phải xem xét ảnh hưởng của ma sát.
Cho phép đo bằng bộ bit
Kiểm tra mô-men xoắn hiệu quả theo hướng siết chặt
Cấu trúc hấp thụ lực phản ứng
Cho phép đo mô-men xoắn tầm thấp

Sugisaki Meter

Measuring joint of electric screwdriver

Model: One Way Joint OW
OW-10 (1N.m / 100cN.m))
OW-20 (2N.m/ 200cN.m)
OW-60 (6N.m/ 600cN.m)

Measuring joint of electric screwdriver
Special structure that does not require rewinding
Improve workability by unique structure, and complete measuremtn by only operation in the tightening direction.

Enable to be performed long-time stable Torque manage due to the structure which is not necessary to consider the influence of friction.
Enable to measure with bit set
Efficient torque check in tightening direction
Reaction force absorbing structure
Enable to measyre Low-range torque

CEDAR One Way Joint OW-10 

OW-10 (1N.m / 100cN.m)

Mechanical life (number of rotation / times): 8,000
Bit fitting part: M3+ / φ32/51
Mounting part: □20×5(t)

for CEDAR Electric screw driver Torque tester
Model: DI-9M-08


CEDAR One Way Joint OW-20 

OW-20 (2N.m / 200cN.m)

Mechanical life (number of rotation / times): 5,000
Bit fitting part: M4+ / φ32/51
Mounting part: □20×5(t)

for CEDAR Electric screw driver Torque tester
Model: DI-9M-8

CEDAR One Way Joint OW-60 

OW-60 (6N.m / 600cN.m)

Mechanical life (number of rotation / times): 5,000
Bit fitting part: M6+ / φ32/51
Mounting part: □20×5(t)

for CEDAR Electric screw driver Torque tester
Model: DI-9M-8

Measuring joint of electric screwdriver

Maintenance and calibration : 

► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store.

Local Vietnam : SEMIKI Ins



Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd


Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522


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  • Floor 12 – Tower A2, Viettel Building, 285 Cach Mang Thang Tam, Ward 12, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • +84 979761016
  • Tax code 0313928935
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  • 10th Floor, Halo Building, 19-19/2A Ho Van Hue, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC
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  • 9th Floor, 3D Building, No. 3 Duy Tan Street, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City
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