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Replacement Lamp for EPA HI740234 Turbidity Meter

SKU: HANNA-HI740234 Category:

Tungsten lamps are used to replace Hanna's EPA turbidity meter product line


Hanna's EPA-compliant turbidity meters are designed to meet or exceed the standards set forth by USEPA Method 180.1 and Standard Method 2130 B. USEPA Method 180.1 specifies key parameters for the system. Optical system for measuring turbidity for drinking, brine and surface water using the nephelometric method.

In the nephelometric method, light rays passing through the sample scatter in all directions. The intensity and pattern of scattered light are determined by many variables, such as the wavelength of the incident light, particle size and shape, refractive index, and color. The optical system consists of a tungsten lamp, a scattered light detector (90°) and a transmitted light detector (180°).

The HI740234 is intended for use with EPA turbidity meters including:

HI83414 – Benchtop turbidity and chlorine meter

HI88703 – Benchtop turbidity meter

HI93414 – Portable turbidity and chlorine meter 

HI98703 – Handheld turbidity meter 

Request a quote
  • Floor 12 – Tower A2, Viettel Building, 285 Cach Mang Thang Tam, Ward 12, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • +84 979761016
  • Tax code 0313928935
Warranty, maintenance and repair center:
  • 10th Floor, Halo Building, 19-19/2A Ho Van Hue, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC
Representative office in Hanoi:
  • 9th Floor, 3D Building, No. 3 Duy Tan Street, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City
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