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Cuvette Cover for Checker HI7xx (4 pieces) HI731225

SKU: HANNA-HI731225 Category:

The HI731225 is a glass cuvette cover for use with the HI7xx handheld checker. Each cap has an indicator slot to ensure the cuvette is placed in the photometer in the same position for each measurement. The lid is also used to prevent any light from interfering with the optical measurement. HI731225 includes 4 caps.

The notch marked on the lid indicates the direction in which the cuvette should be placed in the lid

Prevent stray light from entering

When using a photometer it is important to place the cuvette in a similar position each time the instrument is zeroed and when measuring the reaction sample to maintain a consistent position as prescribed by the Beer-Lambert Law. 

The HI731225 is a glass cuvette lid for the HI7xx handheld checker series. The lid is designed to prevent any stray light from entering the cuvette compartment of the optical system

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  • Floor 12 – Tower A2, Viettel Building, 285 Cach Mang Thang Tam, Ward 12, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • +84 979761016
  • Tax code 0313928935
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