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NIKON SMZ800N stereo microscope 10x - 80x


Stereo Microscope NIKON SMZ800N
By expanding the magnification to an 8:1 zoom ratio (10X-80X), the SMZ800N provides ease of use along with the high resolution images needed for electronic component inspection and failure analysis tasks.
A microscope suitable for materials science and industry. For desktop or machine integration. QA functions can be used for routine and critical applications.
Best-in-class 8:1 optical zoom ratio
With a best-in-class optical zoom ratio of 8:1 (1x-8x), the SMZ800N far exceeds the magnification range available from previous models.
Incredible image sharpness across the entire wide magnification range
Ideal for failure analysis studies, identifying failure modes and then verifying solutions. Surface inspection of components, crack detection, corrosion studies, composite materials, textiles, machine tool manufactured parts for critical aerospace components or building and construction materials are all made easy.


Zoom Stereo Microscope

Model: SMZ800N (10x-80x)


Incredible Image Sharpness throughout the Wide Magnification Range

Ideal for failure analysis studies, defining modes of failure then verifying solutions. Component surface examination, crack-detection, corrosion studies, composite materials, textiles, parts produced by machine tools for critical aerospace components or building and construction materials are all carried out easily.


Ideal for failure analysis studies.

  • High resolution and magnification ideal for weld analysis and macro imaging
  • Zoom range (with 1/2/3/4/6/8x click stops)
  • 5x – 160x magnification range with 10x eyepieces (dependent upon objective and camera adapter selection)
  • LED fiber illumination is available with epi coaxial, ring light and flexible light pipe options for a variety of applications
  • Double nosepiece accessory enables on-axis viewing, extended depth of focus, and quick rotation between multiple objectives
  • Trinocular body tubes enables built-in access for camera adapter, camera, and OmniMet® integration

The Nikon SMZ800N has a wide 8:1 zoom ratio (1-8x zoom range) and provides high resolution observation of 640LP/mm (using ED Plan Apo 2x/WF at maximum zoom) with its high-NA optics.
The ability to use binocular tubes with different angles of inclination and thin tripods makes working with this device as comfortable as possible and satisfy the requirements of absolutely any user.
The presence of diascopic illumination makes it easier to approach and remove samples. The SMZ800N is available with a wide range of lenses at various magnifications and working distances, including the Apo WF series lenses with high NA, high resolution and wide field of view with excellent image flatness and chromatic aberration correction. In addition, a 0.75 x lens is available, expanding the range of low magnification lenses.

The dual nose eyepiece provides easy axial visualization, allowing observation of the bottom of the holes, accurate easy measurement and extended depth of focus (EDF) images without distortion.

The ability to equip the unit with trinocular tubes and thin LED diascopic illumination stands allows various microscope configurations to suit numerous routine inspections and a range of research and development applications.


Nikon SMZ800N

A microscope suits materials science and industry. For desktop or machine integration. QA functions are possible for routine and critical applications.

Best-in-Class 8:1 Optical Zoom Ratio

With a best-in-class optical zoom ratio of 8:1 (1x-8x), the SMZ800N exceeds the magnification range available from previous models.


The Next Revolution in Microscopy A Giant Step Forward in Stereo Microscopy

Nikon offers a broad range of stereo microscopes and accessories, including a research stereo microscope system with the world's highest zoom ratio, superb resolution and bright fluorescence imaging. Also features other versatile parallel-optics type models suitable for various applications and Greenough-type models that are user-friendly and affordable.

Pic.: NIKON SMZ800N with LED control ( 10X-80X ) at Semiki's warehouse

Maintenance and calibration : 

► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store.

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Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd


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  • +84 979761016
  • Tax code 0313928935
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