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Mini device for analyzing total acid concentration and pH HI84530

SKU: HANNA-HI84530 Category:

The HI84530 is a quick, convenient, easy and affordable way to determine the titratable acid content of water.

Based on the acid-base titration method, the mini titrator uses a pre-programmed, optimized analysis method with a powerful algorithm and a dedicated glass-body pH electrode that enables the mini titrator to accurately determine the reaction endpoint.

Additionally, the HI84530 incorporates a piston-type dosing pump that automatically adjusts the amount of reagent injected into the sample based on voltage changes during the titration, reducing the time required for the titration process while allowing for accurate determination of the amount of titrant used.

The HI84530 is supplied complete with all accessories necessary to perform high and low range acidity titrations in water. All chemicals are premixed and prepackaged including standards, reagents, and pump calibration solutions. No additional glassware or analytical balance is required.

– Piston-driven pump for precise dosing

– Standard titrant before titration and reagent before measurement

– Can be used as a desktop pH/mV meter

Acidity is an important parameter used to determine the quality of water (surface water, drinking water, wastewater). Acidity affects chemical reaction rates, biological processes, and corrosion rates. Acidity can also be used to monitor contamination in wastewater and drinking water.

Total titratable acidity is a quantitative measurement of the ability of a water sample to react with a strongly basic solution to a specific pH value. Depending on the analytical method, acid titration can use a variety of chemicals. These can include strong acids (hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid,…), weak acids (acetic acid, carbonic acid,…) and hydrolyzed salts (iron, manganese, aluminum,…).

Double junction pH electrode

The HI 84530 is supplied with the HI1131B refillable, double junction combination pH electrode. The HI1131B has a spherical tip for use with aqueous or liquid samples. The electrode provides a large surface area with the sample and is ideal for direct measurements or titrations of acid bases.

Piston metering pump

The HI84530 features a piston-driven dosing pump. This dosing system uses a motor to ensure that each dose is very precise and the volume dispensed into the sample is precisely defined. The piston-driven burette allows the volume of titrant to be dispensed to automatically adjust based on the voltage response of the previous dispensing. This type of dosing speeds up titrations and saves time by allowing larger doses of titrant to be dispensed at the beginning of the titration and smaller doses to be dispensed as the titration approaches the endpoint.

Automatic stirrer

Integrated magnetic stirrer helps maintain automatic speed of 700 rpm, regardless of solution viscosity titration.

Main features on screen

– Tutorial and help mode: HI84530 with friendly design, sharp keyboard, large screen makes it easy to use. In addition, the device is installed with tutorial software, when activated, will guide users on how to use the device step by step. During use, if there are any questions, users can press the HELP key to get information support.

– Warning display: the user will be alerted in case an error occurs when using the machine (eg: the volume of titrant exceeds the allowable limit..)

On-screen titration curve: the mini titrator displays data throughout the titration, including real-time graphs.

– Data logging and review: Save results on demand: The HI84530 allows up to 400 samples to be saved: 200 titration results and 200 pH/mV measurements. These data can be stored to a USB stick or transferred to a PC via the USB port.

– As a pH/mV measuring device: in addition to being a titrator, the HI84530 can also be used as a benchtop pH meter, with automatic temperature compensation, automatic buffer recognition, up to 3-point calibration, ±0.01pH accuracy, and GLP data storage.

– CAL CHECK featureTM: The machine will automatically analyze the response signal of the electrode during the calibration process and notify the user of problems that may affect the measurement results such as contaminated buffer solution, dirty electrode. or cracking... the CAL Check feature not only ensures the accuracy of pH measurement but also helps ensure accuracy in determining the end point of the titration process.

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The scale

Low scale (CaCO3): 15.0 to 400.0 mg/L; 0.3 to 8.0 meq/L

High scale (CaCO3): 300 to 4000 mg/L; 6.0 to 80.0 meq/L


Low range: 0.1 mg/L / 0.1 meq/L

High range: 1 mg/L / 0.1 meq/L



Low range: ± 0.5 mg/L or 3% measured value, whichever is greater

High range: ± 15 mg/L or 3% measured value, whichever is greater


Sample volume

50 mL


Acid base titration


Titration endpoint: 8.30 pH (phenolphthalein) or 3.7 pH (methyl orange)

Pump speed

10 mL/min

Stirring speed

600 rpm (revolutions/minute)



pH scale

-2.0 to 16.0 pH; -2.00 to 16.00 pH

pH resolution

0.1 pH / 0.01 pH

pH accuracy


± 0.01 pH

pH calibration

1, 2 or 3 points

4 pads available (4.01, 7.01, 8.20, 10.01)

Heat compensation

Manual or automatic



mV scale

-2000.0 to 2000.0 mV

mV resolution

0.1 mV

mV accuracy


± 1.0 mV



The scale

-20.0 to 120.0oC; -4.0 to 248.0oF, 253.2 to 393.2K


0.1oC; 0.1oF; 0.1K



± 0.4 oC; ± 0.8 oF; ± 0.4K

Record data

up to 400 records (200 titration records, 200 pH/mV records)


HI1131B glass body, refillable electrode, BNC connector, 1 m (3.3″) cable

Temperature probe

HI7662-T stainless steel with 1 m cable


0 to 50 oC (32 to 122 oF); RH max 95% non-condensing

Power supply

12 VDC cable (included)


235 x 200 x 150 mm (9.2 x 7.9 x 5.9″)


1.9 kg (67.0 oz.)

Clevels include

HI84530 meter, HI1131B electrode, HI7662-T temperature probe, HI84530-50 low range titrant, HI84530-51 high range titrant, HI84530-55 standard calibration solution, HI84530-60 hydrogen peroxide, 100 mL beaker (2), metering pump valve, 5 mL syringe, 1 mL plastic pipette, tubing set (pipette with titrant bottle cap and titrant dispensing tip), magnetic hook, mains adapter, instructions and product quality certificate.


1 year for body and 6 months for electrodes

Request a quote
  • Floor 12 – Tower A2, Viettel Building, 285 Cach Mang Thang Tam, Ward 12, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • +84 979761016
  • Tax code 0313928935
Warranty, maintenance and repair center:
  • 10th Floor, Halo Building, 19-19/2A Ho Van Hue, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC
Representative office in Hanoi:
  • 9th Floor, 3D Building, No. 3 Duy Tan Street, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City
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