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/ / 電子工業用測定機 / 電気特性解析装置 / YOKOGAWA WT1800E マルチチャンネルパワーメータ

YOKOGAWA WT1800E マルチチャンネルパワーメータ

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Máy phân tích công suất YOKOGAWA WT1800E là máy phân tích công suất hiệu suất cao, đảm bảo độ chính xác công suất 0,05% số đọc cộng với 0,05% phạm vi. Nó có khả năng phân tích sóng hài lên đến bậc 500 của tần số cơ bản 50/60 Hz. Với tối đa 6 kênh đầu vào , một loạt các tính năng hiển thị và phân tích cũng như khả năng kết nối với máy tính, WT1800E là công cụ lý tưởng để các kỹ sư đo lường chính xác các đặc tính nguồn và hiệu suất của các thiết bị điện.




High-Performance Power Analyzer


WT1801E, WT1802E, WT1803E, 
WT1804E, WT1805E, WT1806E


The WT1800E is a high-performance power analyzer that guarantees power accuracy of 0.05% of reading plus 0.05% of range.

It is capable of harmonics analysis up to the 500th order of a 50/60 Hz fundamental frequency.

With up to 6 input channels, a wide range of display and analysis features, and PC connectivity, the WT1800E is the ideal tool for engineers to accurately measure power characteristics and efficiency of electrical devices.



The WT1800E delivers:

正確さ – The WT1800E is the only instrument in its class that guarantees a power accuracy of 0.05% of reading plus 0.05% of range and is capable of harmonics analysis up to the 500th order of a 50/60 Hz fundamental frequency.

信頼性 – Measurements need to be repeatable as well as accurate. The stability of the WT1800E ensures that precision measurements can be made today and over the long term.

Flexibility – With up to 6 input channels, a wide range of display and analysis features, and PC connectivity, the WT1800E is the measurement solution for a broad range of power efficiency and harmonic analysis requirements.





The WT1800E is a versatile instrument, unlocking precision power measurement capabilities for researchers, designers and engineers working on a wide variety of applications in energy efficiency and conservation and renewable energy. Whether it is for the manufacture of energy efficient devices and appliances, hybrid/electric vehicles or renewable energy technologies, the WT1800E is a universal meter for power electronic measurements and energy analysis. 

Key applications include:

• Plug-in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
• Industrial equipment such as Inverters, Motors and Pumps
• Renewable energy technologies such as Solar and Wind power
• Office and Home appliances like Air conditioners and Refrigerators
• IT Data center equipment like Servers, Routers and Switches
• Battery charging and Portable devices
• Ballasts, LEDs & Fluorescent lighting
• Aircraft Power systems


Video: YOKOGAWA WT1800E High-Performance Power Analyzer | intro





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