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bộ hiện sóng lập trình lấy mẫu NI USB-5132

Nhà sản xuất:

ni USB-5132 Oscilloscope Device : 50 MHz Bandwidth, 2-Channel, 8-Bit USB Oscilloscope Device—The USB‑5132 low-cost oscilloscope device has two channels that sample up to 50 MS/s with flexible settings for coupling, impedance, voltage range, and filtering. Oscilloscope devices also feature a number of triggering modes and an instrument driver that includes data streaming and analysis functions. This device is ideal for portable and benchtop applications with fast signals that require flexible measurement configurations and up to 50 MHz of analog bandwidth.


National Instruments NI

USB-5132 Oscilloscope


The National Instruments USB-5132 (Part Numbers: 780468-01, 779969-01, 780468-02, 779969-02) is a 2-Channel, 8-Bit, 50 MHz Bandwidth USB Oscilloscope Device. This model is an affordable solution with reasonable 50 MS/s sampling capabilities. This Oscilloscope can operate with flexible settings for voltage range, filtering options, coupling, and impedance. The NI USB-5132 has two BNC type analog input connectors, which support AC, DC, and GND coupling, and are designed to operate at 1 MΩ ±1% input impedance. This device is small enough to be easily carried. The portable feature makes it an ideal solution for various applications with fast signals where flexible measurement configurations are needed.

► The National Instruments USB-5132 comes equipped with a multipurpose PFI line for the external clock in and trigger in/out connections. Its integrated sample clock can acquire samples at a rate of 763 S/s to 50 MS/s in real-time. The time base frequency and accuracy of the onboard clock are 50 MHz and ±50 ppm respectively. When required, a 1 MHz to 50 MHz frequency external sample clock can also be coupled with this instrument via PFI line.

 The NI USB-5132 driver support is available in NI-SCOPE 3.4 and later versions. For an interactive software-based controlling of the NI USB-5132, the NI-SCOPE Soft Front Panel program is also offered with the instrument. This USB Oscilloscope device weighs around 244 g, while the physical dimensions are 18.49 cm × 3.38 cm × 10.29 cm. The National Instruments USB-5132 is offered with a 4 MB per channel onboard memory size option or 32 MB per channel option. Once calibrated, the USB-5132 can be operated for two years before it needs to be calibrated again.  





Picture: The National Instruments USB-5132 (Part Numbers:  779969-01) at Semiki’s warehouse


Technical Specifications






Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd

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  • Sales@semiki.com
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