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kính hiển vi điện tử DINO-LITE AM4515ZT 220X POLARIER

Nhà sản xuất:

The Dino-Lite Edge AM4515ZT models provide superior image quality and a high level of flexibility due to the adaptable cap design. The built-in adjustable polarizer reduces glare and reflection on shiny objects.






 1.3 MP Dino-Lite Edge series

Model:  AM4515ZT 


The Dino-Lite AM4515ZT Edge models provide superior image quality and a high level of flexibility due to the adaptable cap design.

The built-in adjustable polarizer reduces glare and reflection on shiny objects.



• The AM4515ZT Dino-Lite Edge features Automatic Magnification Reading (AMR) and delivers higher image quality with a state-of-the-art lens design, providing matchless image quality with stunning sharpness, least aberration, and least vignetting throughout the whole magnification range.

• Using the included software, the AM4515ZT can detect and display the magnification, and store it with the captured picture automatically, making it especially useful for applications when reading the magnification is not feasible or difficult.

• The AMR also brings more accuracy by eliminating the process of visually reading the magnification, while keeping the possibility to be further calibrated.

• LED Control gives you command of the LED on/off toggle options.

• The freely adjustable polarizer helps to reveal more detail or to enhance the contrast on the surface by reducing or eliminating the reflections.

• This model includes the adaptable cap design, a detachable and interchangeable front cap design used in the Dino-Lite Edge series. Different caps have been developed for better adaptability for more applications.







Fig.: ANMO AM4515ZT Dino-Lite Edge ( 1.3Mp with Polarizer ) at Semiki’s warehouse



Dino-Lite Edge AM4515ZT |Automatic Magnification Reading| intro 



Maintenance and calibration : 


 We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store. Local Vietnam : SEMIKI CORP







Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd

Email:  sales@semiki.com

Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522





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  • Tầng 12 – tháp A2, Tòa nhà Viettel, 285 Cách Mạng Tháng Tám, Phường 12, Quận 10, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
  • Sales@semiki.com
  • +84 979761016
  • MST 0313928935
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  • Lầu 10, Tòa nhà Halo, 19-19/2A Hồ Văn Huê, Phường 9, Quận Phú Nhuận, TP HCM
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  • Tầng 9 Tòa nhà 3D, Số 3 Phố Duy Tân, Phường Dịch Vọng Hậu, Quận Cầu Giấy, Thành phố Hà Nội
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