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Kính lupe Peak 2054 -20x to 300x

Nhà sản xuất:

Peak Wide Stand Microscope is a simple measuring microscope designed to be compact and light weight, but characterized by a wider field of view than that of the conventional microscope. It allows not only to provide magnified view of fine pattern and contour of objects, but also to measure length and compare dimension by using a scale included in the eye-piece. Focusing by a smooth rack and pinion with knob on both providng a smooth action.

Erect Image with Measure (EIM)

Peak Wide Stand Microscope will be useful not only for the general observation but also for improving accuracy in precision machining and securing uniform quality in the inspection process.

2054 series Wide Stand Microscopes can be attached to a digital camera.
Interested in capturing images with a digital camera using your 2034 or 2054 series. We can provide a solution. Send an e-mail with your requirements including:The PEAK microscope you have or are interested in purchasing and the make and model of the Digital Camera. We will recommend a set of adapters and quote accordingly

Universal Camera Mount: OPT-CMU
The Universal Mount uses the camera’s tripod thread to attach the camera. Micrometric X-Y controls make for quick and precise optical alignment over the microscope eyepiece. The lens is positioned to just meet the eyepiece for excellent quality photographs. The mount is held on to the microscope with a rubber padded non-marring clamp. Constructed of aluminum and rigid composites for very stable mounting.


Peak Adapter Universal
The universal tighten on the 2034 or 2054, eye piece and threads to another customer adapter for the camera. OPT-PAU

Item Number 2034-20
2054-20 EIM
2054-40 EIM
2054-40 CIL
2054-60 EIM
2054-60 CIL
2054-100 EIM
2054-100 CIL
2054-150 CIL
2054-200 CIL
2054-300 CIL
Magnification 20X 40X 60X 100X 150X 200X 300X
Field of View 7.2 mm ø 3.6 mm ø 2.4 mm ø 1.45 mm ø 0.96 mm ø 0.72 mm ø 0.48 mm ø
Min. Scale Division No. 54, 0.1 mm
No. 57, 0.005″
No. 64, 0.05 mm
No. 67, 0.002″
No. 74, 0.02 mm
No. 77, 0.001″
No. 84, 0.01 mm
No. 87, 0.0005″
No. 94, 0.005 mm
No. 97, 0.0002″
No. 104, 0.002 mm
No. 107, 0.0001″
No. 114, 0.001 mm
Measuring Range 6.0 mm
3.0 mm
2.0 mm
1.2 mm
0.9 mm
0.6 mm
0.4 mm
Working Distance 36.0 mm 18.7 mm 10.8 mm 5.7 mm 9.2 mm 6.7 mm 4.0 mm
Numerical Aperture 0.06 0.12 0.15 0.19 0.24 0.35 0.4
Focal Distance 35.0 mm 22.0 mm 16.5 mm 10.7 mm 7.3 mm 5.7 mm 3.9 mm

Sizes and Net weight of each item (accessories excluded)

Item Number 2034-20-300 2054-20-300 2054-20-100 EIM 2054-40-300 CIL
Size 63 ø X 172 mm 69 ø X 172 mm 69 ø X 172 mm 63 ø X 172 mm
Net Weight 237~241 gm. 263~267 gm. 263~267 gm. 393~394 gm.
Yêu cầu báo giá
Trụ sở chính:
  • Tầng 12 – tháp A2, Tòa nhà Viettel, 285 Cách Mạng Tháng Tám, Phường 12, Quận 10, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
  • Sales@semiki.com
  • +84 979761016
  • MST 0313928935
Trung tâm bảo hành, bảo trì và sửa chữa:
  • Lầu 10, Tòa nhà Halo, 19-19/2A Hồ Văn Huê, Phường 9, Quận Phú Nhuận, TP HCM
Văn phòng đại diện tại Hà nội:
  • Tầng 9 Tòa nhà 3D, Số 3 Phố Duy Tân, Phường Dịch Vọng Hậu, Quận Cầu Giấy, Thành phố Hà Nội
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