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KYOWA Strain Gauge KFGS-1-120-D17-11 cảm biến lực ứng suất 3 trục

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Máy đo ứng suất lá kim loại thông dụng để đo ứng suất.
Model: Máy đo độ biến dạng KFGS-1-120-D17-11
L1M2S/ L1M3S /L3M2S
KFGS-1-120-D17-11 (L3M2S) Máy đo độ biến dạng 3 trục KYOWA cho thép thường có dây chì dài 3m (3m) Chiều dài thước đo 0,04 inch (1 mm), Gói 10 chiếc KFGS-1-120-D17-11 (L3M2S)
KFGS-1-120-D17-11 (L1M2S) Máy đo độ biến dạng 3 trục KYOWA cho thép thường có dây chì dài 3,3 ft (1 m) Chiều dài thước đo 0,04 inch (1 mm), 10 tờ KFGS-1-120-D17-11 (L1M2S)
Có thể sử dụng với thép thường, thép không gỉ (SUS631, SUS630), v.v.
Hệ số giãn nở đường dây tương thích 11
Kích thước đế Đường kính 5mm
Kích thước máy đo 1mm Chiều dài 1,1mm Chiều rộng 1,1mm
Điện trở: 120Ω


General purpose foil strain gauge for measuring stress.

Model: Strain Gauge KFGS-1-120-D16-11

L1M2S/ L1M3S /L3M2S

3-Axis Rosette Gauge.
It is suitable for measuring when the direction of the main stress is not evident in the direction of the mainstay.
Can be used with regular steel, stainless steel (SUS631, SUS630), etc.
Compatible Line Expansion Coefficient 11

Base Dimensions 5mm Diameter
Gauge Dimensions 1mm Length 1.1mm Width 1.1mm
Resistance: 120Ω

KFGS-1-120-D17-11 (L1M2S) KYOWA 3-Axis Strain Gauges for Regular Steel with Lead Wire 3.3 ft (1 m) Gauge Length 0.04 inch (1 mm), 10 Sheets KFGS-1-120-D17-11 (L1M2S)

KFGS-1-120-D17-11 (L3M2S) KYOWA 3-Axis Strain Gauges for Regular Steel with Lead Wire 3m (3m) Gauge Length 0.04 inch (1 mm), Pack of 10 KFGS-1-120-D17-11 (L3M2S)

KFGS-1-120-D17-11 (L1M3S) KYOWA 3-Axis Strain Gauges for Regular Steel with Lead Wire 1m  Gauge Length 0.04 inch (1 mm), Pack of 10 KFGS-1-120-D17-11 (L1M3S)

Pic.: KFGS-1-120-D17-11 (L1M3S) KYOWA 3-Axis Strain Gauges at Semiki’s warehouse

The KFGS gages maintain the features of the conventional KFG series of general-purpose foil strain gages, but are RoHS compliant, have improved quality, improved installation work, and new packaging to pursue improved quality and ease of use and performance.

Kyowa offers various types of strain gages so that customers can use the optimum strain gages according to the measurement conditions.
Strain gauges have different effects on the measured value due to temperature changes during measurement depending on the lead wire connection method.
Let’s compare the effect on the measured value when hot air is blown with a dryer.

General purpose foil strain gauge for measuring stress.
Can be used with regular steel, stainless steel (SUS631, SUS630), etc.

YouTube player

How to bond KYOWA KFRS miniature strain gauges on a PCB

Maintenance and calibration : 

► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store.

Local Vietnam : SEMIKI Ins


Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd

Email:  sales@semiki.com

Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522



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  • Sales@semiki.com
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