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máy kiểm tra độ dẫn điện FISCHER SIGMASCOPE SMP350

Nhà sản xuất:

The SIGMASCOPE® SMP350 measures the electrical conductivity using the phase-sensitive eddy current method, which is approved by both DIN EN 2004-1 and ASTM E 1004 for determining conductivity. This kind of signal evaluation allows for contact-free determination of a substrate’s electrical conductivity, even under paint or plastic coatings up to 500 μm thick. This method also marginalizes the influence of surface roughness.



Helmut Fischer compact handheld device for determining the electrical conductivity of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum or copper.




SIGMASCOPE SMP350 is a compact handheld device for determining the electrical conductivity of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum or copper.

The measured conductivity further enables you to draw conclusions about the hardness and strength of heat-treated materials.

Evidence of heat damage and material fatigue can thus be established.

For this, the phase-sensitive eddy current method is used, which is approved for the measurement of conductivity according to DIN EN 2004-1 and ASTM E 1004.




– Conductivity testing on raw materials for sorting and quality assurance
– Inspection of alloying in coinage (e.g. the conductivity of Euro coins)
– Assessment of the hardness and strength of heat-treated materials
– Control of the material stability of airframes or similar components that can be altered by temperature swings
– Estimation of the phosphorous content in copper alloys or copper-bearing materials
– Tracking of precipitation processes, e.g. in Cu-Cr alloys
-Inspection of the homogeneity of alloys
– Scrap sorting



Technical data :

• Measurements pursuant to ASTM E 1004 and DIN EN 2004-1
• SMP350 with probe FS40 fulfills Boeing specification BAC 5651
• Measurement frequencies ranging from 15 kHz to 2 MHz, depending on the probe
• Measurement range: 0.5 – 65 MS/m or 1 – 112% IACS
• Measurement precision at ambient temperature: ±0.5% of reading
• Operating temperature: 0 – 40 °C
• Lift-off compensation to 500 μm
• Smallest diameter measurement area without noticeable influence on the reading: 13 mm
• Connector for electrical conductivity probe, with or without integrated temperature sensor
• Connector for optional temperature sensor TF100A
• USB communication and printer port
• Power supply via battery or mains electricity



 *  Probe FS40 family




Calibration standards




Maintenance and calibration : 


 We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store. Local Vietnam : SEMIKI CORP







Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd

Email:  sales@semiki.com

Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522





Yêu cầu báo giá
  • 63 Hồ Bá Kiện, Phường 15, Quận 10, Tp Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam.
  • Sales@semiki.com
  • +84 979761016
  • MST 0313928935
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