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Built with an innovative optical system, the benchtop Spectrophotometer CM-3600A is a compact measurement instrument designed to evaluate the color, relative gloss, and UV characteristics of samples small to large in size. This high accuracy, versatile spectrophotometer is used to evaluate, reproduce, and help control the color and appearance of opaque, transparent, translucent, and fluorescent samples in a more effective, streamlined process. Its advanced capabilities and optical system help users meet color quality standards more efficiently, maintain consistency in each batch of material, and communicate color seamlessly internally and throughout the supply chain. This makes the CM-3600A ideal for color analysis, formulation, and quality control inspections within laboratory and manufacturing environments.


KONICA Benchtop Spectrophotometer 
Model: CM-3600A, CM-3610A


The benchtop Spectrophotometer CM-3600A is compatible with SpectraMagic NX software to record measurements and provide a more comprehensive color analysis, as well as Colibri software to formulate color recipes for various applications and share real-time measurement data.

Built with an innovative optical system, the benchtop Spectrophotometer CM-3600A is a compact measurement instrument designed to evaluate the color, relative gloss, and UV characteristics of samples small to large in size.
 This high accuracy, versatile spectrophotometer is used to evaluate, reproduce, and help control the color and appearance of opaque, transparent, translucent, and fluorescent samples in a more effective, streamlined process. 
Its advanced capabilities and optical system help users meet color quality standards more efficiently, maintain consistency in each batch of material, and communicate color seamlessly internally and throughout the supply chain. 
This makes the CM-3600A ideal for color analysis, formulation, and quality control inspections within laboratory and manufacturing environments.




  • Eligible ISO 17025 Certification
  • Includes aperture size of 4mm, 8mm, and 25.4mm
  • Measures reflectance and transmittance to accurately evaluate opaque, transparent, translucent, and fluorescent samples small to large in size, including solids and liquids
  • Tight inter-instrument agreement measures consistently with other instruments of the same model, allowing color values and specifications to be communicated, shared, and coordinated throughout the supply chain
  • Numerical Gloss Control measures level of relative gloss for more control of a sample’s appearance
  • Conveniently measures SCE and SCI simultaneously for more consistent readings and to accommodate the surface conditions of each sample
  • Numerical UV Control performs measurements with and without UV simultaneously for more control of a sample’s appearance, particularly with optical brighteners
  • Built with a footprint about the size of an average laptop computer to easily fit in small spaces
  • Hand assembled with quality parts, making it durable and reliable to keep customer operations running as smooth as possible
  • USB connection conveniently allows users to connect to a PC or laptop
  • Conforms to international standards conforms to CIE, ISO, ASTM, DIN, and JIS measurement requirements
  • Integrates with SpectraMagic NX software for color quality control, as well as Colibri software for color formulation




Picture: Konica Benchtop Spectrophotometer CM-3600A at Semiki’s warehouse





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Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd

Email:  sales@semiki.com

address : 63 Ho Ba Kien St., 15 Ward, Dist.10, HCMC, VN




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Trụ sở chính:
  • Tầng 12 – tháp A2, Tòa nhà Viettel, 285 Cách Mạng Tháng Tám, Phường 12, Quận 10, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
  • Sales@semiki.com
  • +84 979761016
  • MST 0313928935
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  • Lầu 10, Tòa nhà Halo, 19-19/2A Hồ Văn Huê, Phường 9, Quận Phú Nhuận, TP HCM
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  • Tầng 9 Tòa nhà 3D, Số 3 Phố Duy Tân, Phường Dịch Vọng Hậu, Quận Cầu Giấy, Thành phố Hà Nội
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