NIHON DOKI CT-30, CT-50 là Thước đo độ sâu, đo mực nước trong bể… dòng thước có nhiều độ dài khác nhau 10m, 20m, 30m, 50m có độ bền cao, sản xuất tại Nhật Bản. Ứng dụng đo độ sâu mức dung dịch trong bể, bồn chứa dầu…
A dip tape is a manual user-operated liquid level measurement device, which consists normally of some form of calibrated tape, for example, meters, feet, yards, with a weight attached to the end.
NIHON DOKI Dipping tapes Standard Specification
Compliance to JIS B 7512 (Japanese Industrial Standard) 1 st grade tape
Plumb Direct coupled type Brass Plumb bob (350g) at the tape end
Housing Stainless Steel Frame with a rigid Nylon Grip
Graduation Calibration by 1mm on one side only Tough Print Graduation on White Steel Tape
Etching Graduation on Black and Stainless Steel Tapes.
Tape Width 13mm
Pic.: Nihon Doki dip tapes CT-20 (20m)
Choose from:
(CT) White Steel Tape
Tape Material : SK-85
Standard tension : 20N at 20℃
(SKT) Black Steel Tape
Tape Material : SK-85
Standard tension : 20N at 20℃
(STT) Stainless Steel Tape
Tape Material : SUS 301
Standard tension : 20N at 20℃
Maintenance and calibration :
► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )
► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store. Local Vietnam : SEMIKI ins
Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd
Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522