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SATO SK-110TRH-B nhiệt ẩm kế điện tử kèm xuất dữ liệu không dây 8140-20

Nhà sản xuất:

SATO Keiryoki SK-110TRH-B là Nhiệt kế/ẩm kế kỹ thuật số có chức năng giao tiếp không dây. Sử dụng giao tiếp không dây (Bluetooth), các giá trị đo lường hoặc dữ liệu được ghi lại trong thiết bị chính có thể được truyền không dây đến máy tính.
Đây là bộ cảm biến đầu dò và chỉ báo SK-110TRH-B (S110TRH-20) gồm đầu dò 8141-20 ( -20.0~80.0°C/ 5.0~95.0%rh) là nhiệt kế và ẩm kế kỹ thuật số không dây có chức năng ghi dữ liệu cho phép kiểm tra các giá trị đo từ xa thông qua giao tiếp không dây.

SATO Keiryoki Japan 

Digital thermometer/hygrometer

(with wireless communication function)

Model: SK-110TRH-B (No.8140-20)



Digital thermometer/hygrometer (with wireless communication function) SK-110TRH-B probe sensor set.
Using wireless communication (Bluetooth), measurement values ​​or data recorded in the main unit can be wirelessly transmitted to a computer.




Digital thermometer/hygrometer (with wireless communication function)

SK-110TRH-B probe sensor set. No.8140-20
Digital thermometer/hygrometer (with wireless communication function) SK-110TRH-B Probe Sensor Set (S110TRH-20)


■ The “SK-110TRH-B” is a digital wireless thermometer and hygrometer with a logger function that allows measurement values ​​to be checked from a distance via wireless communication.

This is a set of SK-110TRH-B indicator and probe sensor (S110TRH-20).


Wireless communication function

Using wireless communication (Bluetooth), the measurement values ​​being recorded or data already recorded in the main unit can be wirelessly transmitted to a computer.

Measurement values ​​from multiple units can be received using a single computer.

The communication distance is approximately 30 m in a straight line with no obstructions.

Automatic wireless output

– Measurement data is automatically output wirelessly at the set recording interval (7 options: 1 second, 2 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute)

Logger function

Record the measurement value on the unit.

The recorded data can be collected onto a computer using dedicated software.

Manual recording

– Measurement data is recorded in the main unit when a key is pressed. Also, if the wireless function is turned on, measurement data is sent to a computer when a key is pressed.

・A maximum of 200 data items can be recorded.

Dedicated software

Displays the settings of the unit and data sent wirelessly from the unit.

The received data can be saved in CSV format, which can be read into a spreadsheet program.

Serial number display function, calibration date display function   

*Utility model patent acquired

To prevent contamination by foreign matter due to peeling off of the seal, no sticker is attached to the indicator.

The device’s unique serial number and the date when traceability calibration was performed by our company are stored internally and can be displayed by key operation.

This makes it easier to manage records on-site.

(*The calibration date is displayed only for devices that have undergone traceability calibration by our company. Customers cannot enter the calibration date.)


YouTube player

Product introduction: Digital thermometer/hygrometer (with wireless communication function)





Optional accessories:


The “USB receiver unit SK-BTU1-R” has been added as an option, which receives the product’s wireless output and automatically inputs the measured values ​​into Excel on a PC.

By using this device, you can receive data without installing special software on your computer.

No. 8078-92 USB receiving unit SK-BTU1-R

This is a USB receiving unit exclusively for SK-270WP-B and SK-110TRH-B.

It receives the wireless output from the SK-270WP-B or SK-110TRH-B and automatically enters the measurement values ​​into Excel on the connected computer.


Maintenance and calibration : 

► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store.

Local Vietnam : SEMIKI Ins



Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd

Email:  sales@semiki.com

Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522



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  • Sales@semiki.com
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