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SEKONIC C-7000 Quang phổ kế công nghiệp cầm tay

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C-7000 là một quang phổ kế nhỏ gọn và nhẹ, có thể mang theo đến hiện trường. Bằng cách áp dụng cảm biến hình ảnh CMOS tuyến tính cho cảm biến quang phổ, yếu tố quan trọng ảnh hưởng đến hiệu suất, C-7000 có thể đo chính xác các nguồn sáng khác nhau như LED, organic EL, HMI, đèn huỳnh quang và ánh sáng tự nhiên, v.v. Ngoài ra, công nghệ độc quyền của Sekonic cho phép đo ánh sáng đèn flash bằng phương pháp quang phổ. Thiết bị này có thể đo các loại ánh sáng khác nhau mà không phụ thuộc vào nguồn sáng.

・Có khả năng xuất dữ liệu quang phổ (bước sóng 1 nm và 5 nm, đơn vị: W・m-2・nm-1) dưới dạng CSV

・Các hạng mục đo lường và chế độ hiển thị phù hợp cho sử dụng công nghiệp

・Thiết bị cầm tay all-in-one có thể hiển thị, ghi lại và vẽ biểu đồ giá trị đo được

・Đo ánh sáng đèn flash bằng phương pháp quang phổ nhờ cảm biến loại tích lũy độc đáo

・Thiết kế sản phẩm thân thiện với người dùng với cơ chế xoay đầu 270° và hiệu chuẩn tối mà không cần nắp

・Nhiều chế độ đánh giá độ hoàn màu phong phú


・PPFD (Mật độ thông lượng photon quang hợp) có thể được xác nhận cho nhà máy trồng cây

・Có thể cấp chứng chỉ hiệu chuẩn, báo cáo thử nghiệm, sơ đồ hệ thống truy xuất nguồn gốc (có phí)

Purpose of use SEKONIC C-7000

・Color rendering index, correlated color temperature, illuminance, dominant wavelength, and excitation purity can be measured for various types of lighting such as LEDs, organic ELs, and projectors.

・Measurement of automotive LED headlights and various lamps

・Illuminance measurement of photobiological reactions

・Confirmation of the illuminance and the spectral distribution of the light source at plant factories

・Illuminance/color temperature/color rendering evaluation of road lighting, indoor lighting, store lighting, etc.

・Color temperature and color rendering evaluation of medical lighting equipment

・Color temperature and color rendering evaluation of lighting equipment for color evaluation

・Color temperature and color rendering evaluation of lighting equipment for visual inspection

・Lighting management for museums, office environments, etc.

・Illuminance, color temperature, and color rendering evaluation of special lighting for broadcasting stations, studios, stages, etc.

Recommended customers

・Customers engaged in quality control, research and development, etc. for LEDs, organic ELs, projectors, etc.

・Customers who design and install lighting for buildings, offices, etc.

・Customers engaged in the selection and management of lighting equipment with high color rendering

・Customers managing grow lights used in plant factories


Measurement capabilities for various light sources
(LED, organic EL, HMI, fluorescent light, tungsten light, natural light, flash light, etc.)
The C-7000 uses a CMOS linear image sensor in the light receiving section. Spectroscopic measurement is performed in the wavelength range of 380nm to 780nm to obtain an accurate color temperature.

It can accurately measure not only conventionally used flash light and constant light sources (fluorescent light, tungsten light, HMI, etc.), but also light sources such as LEDs and organic ELs, which have been increasing in recent years.

  • Figure 1. Conventional filter method
    Measure the wavelength range covered by the RGB filter

  • Figure 2. C-7000
    A CMOS linear image sensor equipped with an LVF covers the measurement wavelength range with a fine pitch.


Original optical design for the light receiving partSpectrometer C-7000 makes full use of optical technology in the light receiving part. We remove infrared rays that are not necessary for measurement and adjust the angle of light. In addition to the use of a dedicated CMOS linear image sensor, a unique optical system minimizes measurement errors caused by oblique incident light. It also incorporates a newly developed thin dark correction unit and ND filter. Dark calibration and high-intensity flash measurement can be switched simply by rotating the light selection ring.

Various display modesIn addition to the text mode that displays measured values numerically and the spectrum mode that displays the wavelength of the light source, various display modes such as CRI mode, 5 color rendering evaluation modes, chromaticity diagram mode (CIE1931, CIE1976), chromaticity diagram comparison mode (CIE1931, CIE1976), etc. are available.

Display Mode Selection Screen

  • Page 1

  • Page 2

You can quickly switch between display modes by touching the icon on the main screen.

Page 1: Each measurement mode

Page 2: Comparison mode and setting

  • Text Mode
    Text Mode
    In text mode, the measured values ​​are displayed numerically. You can freely select or replace 5 items that can be displayed. PPFD display is also available.
  • Spectrum Mode
    Spectrum Mode
    Display the spectrum graph. Full-screen display of the graph is also possible.
  • Spectrum Comparison Mode
    Spectrum Comparison Mode
    Up to two saved data can be recalled, and the current measured values ​​and spectrographs can be compared with the recalled data.
  • CRI Mode

    Ra and color rendering index from R1 to R15 are displayed graphically and numerically. You can select and display the index that you want to know in particular.
  • CRI Comparison Mode

    It is possible to compare the color rendering index between the memory value and the current measured value.
  • TM-30 Mode

    Based on the 99 standard colors and the characteristics of the human eye, Rf (fidelity index) and Rg (gamut index) are displayed as indices. Displayed numerically and in color vector graphics.
  • CIE1931 Mode

    Displays the CIE1931 (x, y) chromaticity coordinates in a chromaticity diagram and numerical values. By switching the field of view to 10 degrees, the CIE1964 chromaticity diagram (x10, y10) is displayed.
  • CIE1931 Comparison Mode

    Up to two saved data can be recalled, and the current measured values ​​and the recalled data can be compared on the CIE1931 chromaticity diagram.
  • CIE1976 Mode

    Display CIE1976(u’, v’) chromaticity coordinates in chromaticity diagram and numerical values.
  • CIE1976 Comparison Mode

    Up to two saved data can be recalled, and the current measured value and the recalled measured value can be compared on the CIE1976 diagram.

 Abundant measurement items and wide measurement rangeAbundant measurement items such as color temperature (K), deviation (⊿uv), illuminance (lx), photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), chromaticity (xy), color rendering index CRI (Ra, R1~R15) and the latest color rendering properties (Rf, Rg, TLCI, TLMF, SSIt, SSId) are available. In addition, it has a wide measurement range of 1,563 to 100,000 K (Tcp) and 1 to 200,000 lx in ambient light, and 2,500 to 100,000 K (Tcp) and 20 to 20,500 lx・s in flash light.

  • Measurement item
    selection screen
  • Color rendering index (CRI)
    display item selection screen

Selectable measurement methodIt is possible to select the measurement method “single measurement” or “continuous measurement” in the tool box. Continuous measurement is performed continuously from the start of measurement to the end of measurement.

  •  Toolbox screen
  • Measurement method
    selection screen

CustomizationThe C-7000 can be customized according to the application and environment.

  • Setting page 1
  • Setting page 2

Utility software for C-7000You can do the following by connecting the PC and C-7000 with a USB cable and using the dedicated utility software.

・Confirmation of C-7000 information such as firmware version information

・C-7000 settings (toolbox, custom function change, preset data edit, hardware settings, initialization)

・Import data saved in the C-7000 to a PC.

・Spectral data (every 5 nm and 1 nm) can be imported to a PC in CSV format

・Graph display (Jpeg, BMP, PNG format files) and data saving

・C-7000 firmware update

・Supported OS for C-7000 utility software: Windows and Macintosh

  • Main Screen
  • Memory Data Management
  • CSV of Spectral Data
  • Spectral Distribution
  • CIE1931, CIE1964
    Chromaticity Diagram
  • CIE1976 Chromaticity Diagram
  • CRI
  • TM-30

Provide SDK for developersWe provide SDK for developers who want to remotely control the C-7000, allowing them to freely develop measurement systems according to their needs.
(SDK will be provided with manual and sample software. We don’t provide other technical support for SDK.)
*Users who want to be provided with the SDK should contact us using the inquiry form. Our sales representative will contact you shortly.

Provide Excel add-in software for remote controlFor customers who want to use ready made software to control the C-7000 remotely, we provide Excel add-in software.
(We don’t provide technical support for Excel add-in software.)
*Users who want to be provided with the Excel add-in software should contact us using the inquiry form. Our sales representative will contact you shortly.

Parts Designations


Type Spectrometer with CMOS linear image sensor
Illuminance meter class Conforms to JIS C 1609-1:2006 for General Class A Illuminance Meters
Conforms to DIN 5032 Part 7 Class C
Light receiving method Incident light
Light receptor White diffuser (fixed type)
Light receptor element CMOS linear image sensor 128 pixels
Measurement system Measuring mode Ambient light Ambient light mode
Flash light Cord (PC) Flash mode
Cordless Flash mode
Display mode Text mode, Spectrum mode, Spectrum Comparison mode, CRI mode, CRI Comparison mode, TM-30 mode, SSI mode, TLCI/TLMF mode, CIE1931 (CIE1964) mode, CIE1931 (CIE1964) Comparison mode, CIE1976 mode, CIE1976 Comparison mode
Measuring item Tcp(Correlated Color temperature)、
X, Y, Z / X10, Y10, Z10(Tristimulus value)、
x, y, z / x10, y10, z10(CIE1931(CIE1964)Chromaticity coordinates)
u’,v’/u’10,v’10(CIE1976 Uniform Chromaticity Scale)
λd / λd,10(Dominant wavelength)
Pe / Pe,10(Excitation purity)
λp(Peak wavelength)
Lux, fc(Illuminance)/Hlx, Hfc(luminous exposure)
Ra(Average Color Rendering Index)
R1~R15(Special Color Rendering Index)
Rf, Rg
PPFD(Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density)
Measurement range Illuminance Ambient light 1lx to 200,000lx
0.1fc to 18,600fc
Luminous exposure Flash light Range L: 20lx·s to 640lx·s (f/2.8 to f/16)
Range H: 580lx·s to 20,500lx·s (f/11.9 to f/90)
Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density 0.0 to 9999.9μmol m-2s-1
Color rendering properties CRI Ra, R1 to R15 -100.0 to 100.0
TM-30 Rf 0 to 100
Rg 0 to 200
SSI SSI 0 to 100
TLCI-2012 Qa 0 to 100
TLMF-2013 ⊿Qa 0 to 100(5lx to 200,000lx = 0.46fc to 18,600fc)
Accuracy Illuminance ±5% ±1digit of indicated value ※1 ※2
(Complies with JIS C1609-1:2006 general A class illuminometer)
xy ±0.003 (Light source A, 800lx)
Repeatability (2σ) Illuminance 1% + 1digit (Light source A, 30lx to 200,000lx), ※3
5% + 1digit (Light source A, 1lx to 29.9lx)※3
xy 0.001(Light source A, 500lx to 200,000lx) ※1 ※4
0.002(Light source A, 100lx to 499lx) ※1 ※4
0.004(Light source A, 30lx to 99lx) ※1 ※4
0.008(Light source A, 5lx to 29.9lx) ※1 ※4
Spectral response characteristics f1’ 9% or less (Complies with JIS C1609-1:2006 general A class illuminometer)
Oblique incident light characteristics f2 6% or less (Complies with JIS C1609-1:2006 general A class illuminometer)
Temperature characteristics Illuminance ±5% of indicated value (Complies with JIS C1609-1:2006 general A class illuminometer)
xy ±0.006 (Light source A, 1000lx) ※1
Humidity characteristics Illuminance ±3% of indicated value (Complies with JIS C1609-1:2006 general A class illuminometer)
xy ±0.006 (Light source A, 1000lx) ※1
Display range Color temperature 1,563K to 100,000K (5lx to 200,000lx)
Illuminance Ambient light 1lx to 200,000lx (3 significant digits)
Luminous exposure Flash light 20 lx·s to 20,500 lx·s, 1.86 fc·s to 1,900 fc·s (3 significant digits)
Shutter speed Flash light 1 second to 1/500 second
Color rendering properties CRI Ra, R1 to R15 -100.0 to 100.0
TM-30 Rf 0 to 100
Rg 0 to 200
SSI SSI 0 to 100
TLCI-2012 Qa 0 to 100
TLMF-2013 ⊿ Qa 0 to 100 (5lx to 200,000lx = 0.46fc to 18,600fc)
Other functions Preset setting Preset 1 to 5 settings
Setting 6 item settings
Memory function Up to 999 measurements or titles
Memory clear/recall function
Out of measurement range or out of display range [Under]/[Over] warning display
Battery capacity indicator display With 4 level status icons
Automatic power OFF function Time elapsed after last operation: selectable from 20min., 10min., 5min., none
LCD backlight Brightness can be selected from bright, normal, or dark
Dimmer time after last operation: selectable from about 5second, about 10second, about 20second, about 40second, about 60second, none
Touch panel lock function Hold MENU button down for 3 seconds to lock and unlock.
Tripod socket 1/4-inch, 20 threads
Display LCD display resolution 4.3 inch QVGA 480×800 dots
Recommended battery AA batteries 1.5V × 2 alkaline, manganese
Power Supply USB bus-power
5V/500mA or less (via USB cable when connected to computer)
(Limited Power Source or Class 2 Power Source)
Operating temperature -10°C to 40°C (without condensation)
Operating humidity 85%RH or less (at 35°C) (without condensation)
Transportation and storage conditions -10°C to 60°C (without condensation)
Dimensions Approx. 73 (width) × 183 (height) × 27 (depth) mm
(excluding protruding part of light receiving) (max. thickness 40mm)
Weight approx. 230g (without batteries)
Included accessories CD-ROM (this Operating Manual and applications (Win, Mac)), Soft case, Strap, Start-up Guide, Safety Precaution, Safety Requirement and Precaution, USB Cable (Mini-B connector)

* Models sold in some countries do not display illuminance and exposure in “fc (fc·s)” due to legal restrictions. In this case, Unit of Illuminance is not displayed.

* Specifications and appearance described in this Operating Manual are subject to change without prior notice for improvement.

※1: When the measurement mode is ambiant light (range L) and the exposure time is auto.
※2: Illuminance is linear.
※3: The error is the value obtained by dividing 2σ of 10 measurements by the average value.
※4: The error is the maximum value minus the minimum value of 10 measurements.


・Startup Guide


・Soft Case

・USB Mini-B cable (1m)

・CD-ROM (Utility software/Software guide/Operating manual)


► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )
► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store.

Local Vietnam : SEMIKI CORP


Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd
Email:  sales@semiki.com
Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522


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  • Tầng 12 – tháp A2, Tòa nhà Viettel, 285 Cách Mạng Tháng Tám, Phường 12, Quận 10, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
  • Sales@semiki.com
  • +84 979761016
  • MST 0313928935
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  • Lầu 10, Tòa nhà Halo, 19-19/2A Hồ Văn Huê, Phường 9, Quận Phú Nhuận, TP HCM
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  • Tầng 9 Tòa nhà 3D, Số 3 Phố Duy Tân, Phường Dịch Vọng Hậu, Quận Cầu Giấy, Thành phố Hà Nội
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