Sensor nhiệt độ thay thế Hakko 191-212

Sensor nhiệt độ thay thế Hakko 191-212

Sensor nhiệt độ thay thế Hakko 191-212

Sensor nhiệt độ thay thế Hakko 191-212

Sensor nhiệt độ thay thế Hakko 191-212
Sensor nhiệt độ thay thế Hakko 191-212

Sản Phẩm

  • Sensor nhiệt độ thay thế Hakko 191-212

  • Giá : Liên hệ
  • MASP : 191-212
  • Nhà sản xuất : HAKKO
  • Hakko 1912-12 Replacement Tip Temperature Sensor Lead-free, Set of 10

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Hakko Replacement Tip Temperature Sensor Lead-free

Model:  191-212 ( 10pcs/ Pack) 



* Note:
- The sensor replacement period is about 50 times per single sensor in general, but this changes depending on the temperature used and the components in the solder and flux.

- If you use lead-free solder, the sensor needs to be replaced more frequently.

- If the sensor degrades because it is being eaten away by the solder, it will register a low temperature. Even if the sensor is not broken, replace it after about 50 measurements.

- Even if the soldering tip has degraded, the temperature will register extremely low. Keep these points in mind and decide on the sensor replacement period.

Caution: The sensor is extremely thin and may break if pushed with force.




picture: Hakko sensor 191-212 ( 10pcs/pack) at Semiki's warehouse




Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd
Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522






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