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ni USB-8502 High Speed CAN/FD USB Interface Device


High Speed CAN/FD USB Interface Device
Model: USB-8502
Product code: 784662-01 (2 ports) | 784661-01 (1 port)
The USB-8502 is a high-speed controller area network (CAN) interface for developing applications with NI‑XNET drivers. The USB‑8502 is powered by the USB bus and does not require an external power source. It performs well in applications that require high-speed, real-time manipulation of hundreds of CAN frames and signals, such as bus monitoring, automation control, etc. The NI‑XNET device-controlled DMA engine allows the onboard processor to move CAN frames and signals between the interface and the user program without interrupting the CPU, minimizing message latency and freeing up host processor time to handle complex applications. The USB‑8502 is equipped with a three-pin COMBICON synchronization connector to enable and synchronize the internal hardware time base with other devices.


High-Speed/FD, USB CAN Interface Device

Model: USB-8502
Part Number: 784662-01 (2 Ports) | 784661-01 ( 1 Port)

The USB-8502 is a high-speed controller area network (CAN) interface for developing applications with the NI‑XNET driver.

The USB‑8502 is powered over the USB bus and does not require external power. It excels in applications requiring real-time, high-speed manipulation of hundreds of CAN frames and signals such as bus monitoring, automation control, and more. The NI‑XNET device‑driven DMA engine enables the onboard processor to move CAN frames and signals between the interface and the user program without CPU interrupts, minimizing message latency and freeing host processor time for processing complex applications. The USB‑8502 is available with a three‑pin COMBICON synchronization connector for triggering and synchronizing the internal hardware timebase with other devices.

  • 1- or 2-Port
  • Develops Applications with the NI-XNET Driver
  • Powered Over the USB Bus

National Instruments USB-8502 CAN Interface Device

The NI USB-8502 (Part Numbers: 784661-01 and 784662-01) is powered through the USB 2.0 High-Speed Bus Interface and does not require external power. This CAN Interface Device has either one or two ports. This device functions well in applications that require fast constant control of many CAN signals and casings, such as bus checking, robotization control, and more. In this model, there is a DMA motor that allows an interior processor to work. The USB-8502NI is equipped with a standard Type A plug I/O connector and a 9-pin male D-SUB I/O connector. Also, the 2-port variant has a 3-pin combicon sync port. Utilizing the time when the signal outline is received, this model resamples the signal information to a waveform with a settled sample rate. This model commonly is utilized for synchronizing XNET information with DAQmx simple/computerized input channels.

The user can maintain a strategic distance from the loss of signal information by setting the session resample rate to a high rate. NI-XNET timestamps get casings to an exactness of 100 ns. In this way, if the user utilizes a resample rate of 1000000 (1 MHz), each edge's flag esteems are spoken to in the waveforms without loss of information. The user can pass this I/O name into an XNET Interface property hub to recover equipment data for the interface, such as the name and sequential number. The I/O name is a similar reference accessible from the XNET System property hub, which is utilized to peruse data for all XNET equipment in the framework.


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► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store.

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