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FUJIFILM LLLW-270 prescale màng film đo áp suất nén 0,2 ~ 0,6 MPa

Nhà sản xuất:
Danh mục: Brand:

LLLW-270-5M Fujifilm Prescale
Phạm vi LLLW: Áp suất cực thấp / Loại cuộn hai tờ
Phạm vi đo 0,2 đến 0,6 MPa
Độ chính xác ± 10%
Nhiệt độ 20 đến 35°C
Tùy chọn Cuộn (360 mm x 5 m) / Cuộn (540 mm x 5 m)
Đóng gói Gói 5 tờ (270 x 200 mm) / Cuộn (270 mm x 5 m)
Phim Prescale được sử dụng để đo chính xác áp suất, phân phối áp suất và cân bằng áp suất. Các mảng đỏ sẽ xuất hiện trên phim ở bất kỳ nơi nào có áp suất tiếp xúc và mật độ màu sẽ thay đổi theo các mức áp suất tiếp xúc khác nhau. Nhờ công nghệ tiên tiến trong sản xuất phim, các màng prescale mỏng và ổn định có kích thước dưới 200μm hiện có sẵn.


Pressure measurement film

LLLW-270-5M Fujifilm Prescale

Ultra Super Low Pressure Two-sheet Type

Pressure measurement film designed for use under high-temperature conditions: Measure pressure in cases where heat and pressure are applied simultaneously with ease

LLLW-270-5M Fujifilm Prescale
Prescale film is used to precisely measure pressure, pressure distribution, and pressure balance. Red patches will appear on the film wherever contact pressure is applied and the color density will change according to the various contact pressure levels. Due to advanced technology in film manufacturing thin and stable prescale films of less than 200μm are available.

Pic: LLLW-270-5M

Prescale LLLW film maps pressures between 0.2 and 0.6 MPa between two objects. It is available from stock in Semiki, packaged in packs of 5 sheets of 270 x 200 mm or in rolls of 270 mm x 5 m.

Features LLLW-270-5M Fujifilm Prescale
Ultra super low pressure / Two-sheet roll type


Measured quantity Pressure (and distribution)
Product type Consumable
Technology Chemical coloring
Range LLLW
Measuring range 0.2 to 0.6 MPa
Precision ± 10%
Temperature 20 to 35°C
Options Roll (360 mm x 5 m) / Roll (540 mm x 5 m)
Packaging Pack of 5 sheets (270 x 200 mm) / Roll (270 mm x 5 m)


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FUJIFILM Pressure measurement film “Prescale“ How to use Prescale two-sheet type

Structure of Prescale

Prescale comprises two films: an A film and a C film. The A film is a base material (PEN base) coated with a color-forming agent (microcapsules). The C film is a base material (PEN base) coated with a color-developing agent. The film is used by placing the sides coated with chemical agents in contact with each other.

How Prescale works

The microcapsules in the color-forming layer are broken by pressure, and the colorless dye is absorbed into the color-developing layer. This causes a chemical reaction, which produces a red color.

Pressure chart

The pressure value can be confirmed visually by referring to a standard chart.

Example pressure chart for Medium Pressure (MW) Prescale
  • * This chart is for Medium Pressure (MW) Prescale and will differ from results for Prescale for High Temperature.
Unit Conversion: 
1 MPa = 1 N/mm2 ≒ 10.2 kgf/cm2
To obtain the pressure value, you need the mass (kg) or newtons (N), as well as the surface area (mm2 or cm2). For instance, if 100 kg is applied on a 100 mm2 (1 cm2) surface, the calculation is 100 kgf/cm2. Divide this value by 10.2. The formula is 100 kgf/cm2 / 10.2 = 9.8 MPa
Maintenance and calibration : 

► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store.

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Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd

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