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KETT C-130 thiết bị đo độ trắng đánh giá chất lượng màu bột mịn

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Kett C-130 Đo độ trắng của bột để kiểm soát chất lượng.
Thiết bị này đo độ trắng của nhiều loại bột khác nhau, chẳng hạn như tinh bột, lúa mì, đường, thuốc và xi măng.
Tính năng
Máy kiểm tra độ trắng của bột C-130
Đo độ trắng của bột
Nguồn sáng LED xanh cải thiện độ ổn định nhiệt và kéo dài tuổi thọ
Có thể bắt đầu đo trong khoảng 20 giây sau khi khởi động và làm nóng
Thiết bị này đo độ phản xạ và sử dụng hai đèn LED xanh làm nguồn sáng. Ánh sáng từ đèn LED xanh được truyền qua tấm khuếch tán và chiếu vào bề mặt mẫu theo góc 45 độ từ cả bên trái và bên phải. Ngoài việc có đường cong hiệu chuẩn tinh bột được tích hợp làm đường cong hiệu chuẩn cơ sở, một chức năng cho phép người dùng thiết lập đường cong hiệu chuẩn của riêng họ cũng được bao gồm, giúp có thể đo độ trắng của nhiều loại bột.

Kett Electric Laboratory Japan

Appearance Analyzers

Powder Whiteness Tester

Model: C-130 ( 5.0 to 120.0)

Kett C-130 Measure powder whiteness for quality control.
This instrument measures the whiteness of various powders, such as starch, wheat, sugar, drugs and cement.



Powder Whiteness Tester C-130
Measures whiteness of powder
Blue LED light source improves the heat stability and prolongs life
Measurement can be started in approximately 20 seconds after the start-up and warm-up

It is smaller and lighter than the conventional C-100. The amount of sample required for measurement has been reduced by redesigning the sample case. In addition, sample packing has been made easier. Less time needed for preparation and a shorter warm-up period sensitivity adjustment time at start-up results in faster measurements. The use of LEDs for the light source means lower power consumption and internal heat. Regular cleaning of the glass filter is necessary for accurate measurements. A redesigned filter section simplifies cleaning.

Its compact size and its ability to carry out small-sample, low-power measurements makes the C130 a truly eco- friendly machine designed for eco-friendly times.

YouTube player

video: Kett | Powder Whiteness Tester C-130 | Tutorial


The new C-130 model is smaller and more compact than our previous C-100 model.

Furthermore, using blue LED light sources allow for a longer light source lifetime reduced power consumption and reduced heat generation. In addition, the required sample size has been greatly reduced. Using starch as an example, about 13.5g of sample was required in the C-100. The C-130 only requires approximately 5.5g of starch, Not only has ease of packing of the sample been improved, but the amount of time spent preparing for the measurement has been reduced. Finally, sensitivity calibration when the device is turned on has been reduced, allowing measurements to begin must faster than with previous models.


Automatic sensitivity adjustment notification

Sensitivity can be checked at any time by measuring the included whiteness standard, which has been adjusted for each machine. In the conventional C-100, sensitivity adjustment was carried out for each measurement. This is unnecessary in the C-130, which automatically notifies the user if an adjustment becomes necessary. Simply set the standard into the machine and click the key to begin sensitivity adjustment.

Measurement Principles

This device measures powder whiteness according to our own uniquely developed standards. It measures reflectivity and utilizes two blue LEDs as its light source. The light from the blue LEDs is passed through a diffuser panel and shined onto the sample surface at 45 degree angles from both the left and right. A photo diode measures the amount of reflected light. The whiter the sample, the more light is reflected back and detected and thus a higher measurement value is registered. The LEDs are a blue color with a 466nm center wavelength. They are adjusted to provide a similar measurement that the previous model (C-100) created when used with it’s blue filter. In addition to having a starch calibration curve built in as the base calibration curve, a function allowing the user to set their own calibration curves is also included, making it possible to measure the whiteness of a variety of powders.

Maintenance and calibration : 

► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store.

Local Vietnam : SEMIKI Ins



Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd

Email:  sales@semiki.com

Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522




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