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máy đo độ bóng lớp phủ Elcometer 480 (20/60/85°)

Nhà sản xuất:

Elcometer 480 Single, Dual & Triple Angle Glossmeters:
The Elcometer 480 Glossmeter range are easy to use glossmeters which combine high accuracy, repeatability and reproducibility with functionality making them the most advanced gloss meters on the market today.



video: How to Measure Gloss using the Elcometer 480 Glossmeter


Choosing the Correct Angle for Gloss Measurement:


Gloss measurement is based on the amount of light reflected on the surface relative to a polished glass reference standard, measured in Gloss Units (GU).

The amount of light that is reflected on the surface is dependent on the angle of incidence and the properties of the surface.

Gloss is categorized as either matt, semi or high gloss. In order to determine the most appropriate measurement angle start with a gloss meter set at 60degree angle of incidence.

If the result is between 10-70GU, the coating is termed ‘semi-gloss’ and should be measured using the 60degree angle.

If the result is less than 10GU, the product is ‘low gloss’ and should be measured using the 85degree angle and if it is greater than 70GU,

the product is known as ‘high gloss’ and should be measured using the 20degree angle.


Gloss Range 60° value Measure with
High Gloss > 70GU 20°
Semi Gloss 10 – 70GU 60°
Low / Matt < 10GU 85°





picture: Elcometer 480 Gloss meters ( Model T 20/60° J480T-26) at Semiki’s warehouse



Maintenance and calibration : 


 We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store. Local Vietnam : SEMIKI CORP







Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd

Email:  sales@semiki.com

Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522





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Trụ sở chính:
  • Tầng 12 – tháp A2, Tòa nhà Viettel, 285 Cách Mạng Tháng Tám, Phường 12, Quận 10, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
  • Sales@semiki.com
  • +84 979761016
  • MST 0313928935
Trung tâm bảo hành, bảo trì và sửa chữa:
  • Lầu 10, Tòa nhà Halo, 19-19/2A Hồ Văn Huê, Phường 9, Quận Phú Nhuận, TP HCM
Văn phòng đại diện tại Hà nội:
  • Tầng 9 Tòa nhà 3D, Số 3 Phố Duy Tân, Phường Dịch Vọng Hậu, Quận Cầu Giấy, Thành phố Hà Nội
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