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ni USB-6225 bộ thu thập tín hiệu 80 kênh

Nhà sản xuất:

Thiết bị I/O đa chức năng USB-6225 80 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/giây), 2 AO (833 kS/giây), Tối đa 24 DIO Thiết bị I/O đa chức năng USB —USB‑6225 cung cấp I/O tương tự, I/O kỹ thuật số, hai bộ đếm/bộ hẹn giờ 32 bit và kích hoạt kỹ thuật số. Thiết bị cung cấp khả năng DAQ đáng tin cậy, chi phí thấp trong nhiều ứng dụng từ các ứng dụng đơn giản trong tự động hóa phòng thí nghiệm, nghiên cứu, xác minh/kiểm tra thiết kế và thử nghiệm sản xuất. Bạn có thể thêm khả năng đo cảm biến và điện áp cao vào thiết bị của mình bằng các mô-đun điều hòa tín hiệu SCC hoặc SCXI. Trình điều khiển NI‑DAQmx đi kèm và tiện ích cấu hình giúp đơn giản hóa cấu hình và phép đo.


Multifunction I/O Device
Model: USB-6225

Multifunction I/O Device USB-6225 80 AI (16-Bit, 250 kS/s), 2 AO (833 kS/s), Up to 24 DIO USB
—The USB‑6225 offers analog I/O, digital I/O, two 32‑bit counters/timers, and digital triggering. The device delivers low-cost, reliable DAQ capabilities in a wide range of applications from simple applications in laboratory automation, research, design verification/test, and manufacturing test. You can add sensor and high-voltage measurement capability to your device with SCC or SCXI signal conditioning modules. The included NI‑DAQmx driver and configuration utility simplify configuration and measurements.


  • Up to 80 Analog Inputs at 16 bits, 1.25 MS/s (1 MS/s or 750 KS/s Scanning)
  • Up to 4 Analog Outputs at 16 bits, 2.8 MS/s (2 µs full-scale settling)
  • Up to 48 TTL/CMOS Digital I/O Lines (Up to 32 Hardware-Timed at Up to 1 MHz)
  • Two 32-bit, 80 MHz Counter/Timers

National Instruments USB-6225 Multifunction I/O Device  

The USB-6225 (Part Numbers: 779974-01779973-02779973-04779973-01779974-04) is a Multifunction I/O Device created by National Instruments. This device provides superior accuracy along with fast sampling rates. This device has 80 analog input channels. These channels can be used as 80 single-ended channels. The user can also utilize these channels as 40 differential channels. The NI USB-6225 offers 16-bit ADC resolution and the maximum sample rate of 250 kS/s for a single channel. For multiple channels, the maximum sample rate is also 250 kS/s. The timing accuracy of the input channels is 50 ppm of the sample rate. The device has a recommended warm-up time of 30 minutes, and should be calibrated at least once a year.

The USB 6225 NI has different input ranges. The input ranges include ±0.2V, ±1V, ±5V, and ±10V. The value of maximum working voltage for analog inputs of this device is ±11V. The input FIFO size for this device is 4,095 samples. The NI USB-6225 DAQ provides an overvoltage protection for all analog input channels and all sense channels. The input current of this instrument during the overvoltage condition is ±20 mA maximum.

The NI USB-6225 M Series DAQ has two analog output channels. Both channels provide 16 bit DAC resolution. The analog output channels have 16-bit monotonicity. The maximum update rate for one output channel is 833 kS/s. For both channels, the maximum update rate is 740 kS/s. The timing accuracy of the output channels is 50 ppm of the sample rate. The output range of this device is ±10 V. The output impedance is 0.2 Ω. The output channels provide an overdrive protection up to ±25 Volts.

The screw terminal fitted model of the device weighs 2 lb, and measures 10.5 x 6.73 x 1.75 in. in physical dimensions. Also, the Mass termination model weighs 2 lb, and has the physical dimensions: 7.4 x 6.73 x 1.75 in. The NI device has recommended operating and storage temperature ranges of 0 ºC to 45 ºC and -20 ºC to 70 ºC respectively, and a noncondensing humidity range of 10% RH to 90% RH.

– SEMIKI is happy to share Technical  and Solutions relating to metrology, measuring, precision gages, manufacturing quality control and processes.

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Maintenance and calibration : 

► We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store.

Local Vietnam : SEMIKI CORP


Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd

Email:  sales@semiki.com

Office tel: +84 9797 61016



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  • Sales@semiki.com
  • +84 979761016
  • MST 0313928935
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