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imada Digital force gauge DSV series

Nhà sản xuất:

– DSV is designed for handheld use : Hand fitting design & the lightweight body.
– DSV has a tilt-sensing function, sounding an alarm when it sense tilt from the preset position.
– DSV is equipped with internal memory up to 1000 point.
– Using a supplied software (Force logger) & USB cable, you can easily transfer data from DSV to PC.
– You can connect maximum 4 pcs of DSV to a PC at the same time, for easier management. (You need a dedicated optional software.)
– DSV-2N/5N/20N/50N has a mechanical stopper for preventing overload.
– You can charge DSV from a PC or a mobile battery.
– Battery life lasts 30 hours at maximum when its backlight is off.



imada Digital force gauge for handheld use 
(Advanced model)
DSV series

DSV improves reproducibility in hand-held use.
DSV is an advanced model equipped with tilt-sensing function,
Internal memory (1000) function, and more.



– DSV is designed for handheld use : Hand fitting design & the lightweight body.
– DSV has a tilt-sensing function, sounding an alarm when it sense tilt from the preset position.
– DSV is equipped with internal memory up to 1000 point.
– Using a supplied software (Force logger) & USB cable, you can easily transfer data from DSV to PC.
– You can connect maximum 4 pcs of DSV to a PC at the same time, for easier management.  (You need a dedicated optional software.)
– DSV-2N/5N/20N/50N has a mechanical stopper for preventing overload.
– You can charge DSV from a PC or a mobile battery.
– Battery life lasts 30 hours at maximum when its backlight is off.





semiki-force gauge imada DSV series-DSV-1000N


picture: digital force gauge IMADA DSV series at Semiki’s warehouse




Maintenance and calibration : 


 We also have calibration certificate attached ( optional )

► Please re-calibrate after use for a certain period through our purchase store. Local Vietnam : SEMIKI CORP







Semiki instrumentation Co., Ltd

Email:  sales@semiki.com

Office tel: +84 28 2253 3522






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Trụ sở chính:
  • Tầng 12 – tháp A2, Tòa nhà Viettel, 285 Cách Mạng Tháng Tám, Phường 12, Quận 10, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
  • Sales@semiki.com
  • +84 979761016
  • MST 0313928935
Trung tâm bảo hành, bảo trì và sửa chữa:
  • Lầu 10, Tòa nhà Halo, 19-19/2A Hồ Văn Huê, Phường 9, Quận Phú Nhuận, TP HCM
Văn phòng đại diện tại Hà nội:
  • Tầng 9 Tòa nhà 3D, Số 3 Phố Duy Tân, Phường Dịch Vọng Hậu, Quận Cầu Giấy, Thành phố Hà Nội
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